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Monica Amey-Geter

Writer | Copy Editor | Creative Visionary
I use the power of words to encourage and empower people.

About Me

I'm a native of Atlanta, Georgia (born and raised in the heart of the city), where I still live ITP (inside the perimeter) with my husband and son, who are also natives of the 'A.' We're just one big ATL family. The South is ingrained in me, and I'm deeply rooted in this place that is like no other. Atlanta, a place I hold dear and near to my heart, is where I first fell in love with words.

I love words! Beautiful words and the power that they carry. From my verbal experiences in my youth to my creative writings and journal entries, I experienced the power of words and their ability to shape and transform our lives and how we understand and communicate with the world around us. These experiences inspired my love for words, ignited my passion for writing, and ultimately revealed my purpose: to use the power of words to inspire, encourage, empower, and inform.

Other than creating,
 I dig nature and admire and support sea turtles. I love reading, journaling, and collecting writing instruments (ink pens to non-writers). So, if you're ever in Atlanta, you can catch me in an office supply store on aisle five stocking up on ink wells, in the park trying to keep up with my adventurous little boy, or simply enjoying the summer sun and shade in my backyard.

On a professional note,
I have a Bachelor's degree in English from Georgia State University. I'm a very creative and detail-oriented Writer and Copy Editor with 8+ years of experience writing and editing compelling and engaging content and copy. I'm known for having "a way with words" and "a keen eye for detail." I'm also a creative visionary who can see the big picture and wield the power of beautiful words that I carry.

I'm passionate about using the power of words to encourage and empower people. I enjoy working in the creative, education, and Edtech industries. 

I have to be intentional about the words I carry; they have great power, and I use them to do the work I was called to do: encourage and empower people.

From The Words We Carry, a narrative

Let's Connect

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